
West Java Province is the third-highest province supporting the national economy at 13.63% after DKI Jakarta and East Java Province. Besides, in terms of population, West Java Province is the region with the highest population, reaching 48,700 people. On the other hand, the economic inequality level was 0.402, with the poverty rate getting 6.91%. This value shows that the level of inequality in West Java can be categorized as relatively high. Furthermore, the environmental conditions in West Java are also quite apprehensive. The Citarum River, which Watershed covers 18% of West Java, has been named the most polluted river globally. Apart from that, urban and rural waste management in West Java also needs more attention. According to data from Ministry of Environment and Forestry, out of 109,373 tons of daily waste that enter landfills throughout West Java, only 69% of the waste can be managed. As stated in the 2018-2022 West Java's Local Government Medium-term Development Plans (RPJMD), the Provincial Government has a mission to accelerate the growth and equitable distribution of environment-based and sustainable spatial development through increased regional connectivity and regional planning. To achieve development goals, research is needed that shows social, economic, and environmental relationships. This study also aims to analyze the impact of policies in promoting human development from a social and economic perspective without neglecting ecological sustainability to achieve community welfare. This research is a quantitative method using the Fisher Exact Probability Test (p) analysis technique, which is used to determine the correlation between the economy to the social and the environment in development. The research was conducted in all districts and cities in West Java Province from 2010 to 2018. There are several variables used for this research. Human Development Index (IPM) with indicators of education, health, and purchasing power data shows social conditions. Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) data from the production view is used to guide economic conditions. Environmental Quality Index (IKLH) data is calculated from river water quality indicators, air quality, and land cover quality to show environmental conditions.

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