
In this paper, we describe an approach wherein we integrate three important concepts — Goals, Aspects and Scenarios in Requirements Engineering of Web Applications. All the three concepts have been playing important role independently in requirement modeling in the last decade. Goal based approaches have been very popular as they give in depth understanding of stakeholders intentions and scenarios give detailed walkthroughs of the system. Aspect oriented Software Development is another area booming in software modeling because it caters the modeling of crosscutting concerns. In web applications the specific cross cutting concerns are personalization requirements, non-functional requirements. Web applications are the principal software for every organization, therefore their in-depth analysis is crucial. Besides, web applications need to be dealt differently from generic information systems, which arguably give a need to develop different modeling and analysis approaches. Our approach is based on AoURN (Aspect Oriented User Requirements Notation), that is based on a International Telecommunications Union Standard called URN that was standardized in November 2008. We adapt and modify this notation to suit the web specific needs.

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