
This study focuses on investigating the thermal, physical, and mechanical attributes of a lightweight fired earth brick composed of clay and dune sand, stabilized with lime. The study explores the impact of incorporating alfa plant powder and glass powder, constituting 15% and 10% respectively, relative to the soil matrix weight. This addition aims to attain optimized thermal, physical, and mechanical characteristics. Employing the statistical software, Statgraphics, experimental designs were created and analyzed, allowing for optimizations. The outcomes demonstrated a notable reduction in thermal conductivity, up to 42.36% and 23.91%, with the inclusion of alfa plant powder and lime, respectively. However, this led to a decrement in physical and mechanical properties. Conversely, the introduction of glass powder led to a decrease of total water absorption rates by as much as 4.52%. Utilizing the statistical program, an optimal ratio of 10.26% alfa powder was suggested, resulting in a brick with a thermal conductivity of 0.384 W/m.K, a compressive strength of 8.561 MPa, and a total water absorption rate of 26.922%. These findings underscore the potential of incorporating alfa plant powder to enhance fired earth bricks, particularly in terms of thermal insulation. Additionally, it presents a sustainable and eco-friendly material technology.

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