
The article aims at the identifying of the main problems, tasks and tools for further modernization of the professional education’ public institute in the direction of improving the reproduction quality of the labor, professional and qualification potential, as well as the competitiveness of the workforce that are significant resources and incentives for accelerating and increasing the effectiveness of Ukraine’ socio-economic development in the globalized world. Civilization trends and economic practices of developed countries stimulate national civil society to actualize a number of requests to provide an average individual’ decent opportunities to meet the needs for quality education services, profession acquirement, confirmation and increase of qualification regardless of the residence place, equalization of the appropriate starting conditions in local communities and regions, as well as to improve the efficiency of public and state control over the corresponding legislative and social-labor guarantees’ implementation. There were studied the main functions of professional education in society (resource-reproducing, standard- and worldview-forming, innovative producing and translational, social-stabilizing), which are determined by the totality of its effects on the economic and extra-economic life spheres. It’s advisable to group the tasks for increasing the Ukrainian professional education system’ functioning efficiency to the directions for: spreading and affirming standards and requests for quality education throughout life in society and business practices; improving the spatial organization of the institutions’ network of higher and vocational education, career guidance, advanced training and retraining with a focus on increasing the crisis resilience parameters of both the territorial educational subsystems and their elements, as well as the totality of life spheres in the regions and the whole state; rising the society’ and the economy’ innovative potential, spreading and increasing the creativity mechanisms’ effectiveness as sources and incentives for the competitiveness of workers and producers, businesses’ diversification.

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