
Abstract Movement between habitats in river fish assemblages is often restricted by instream structures such as culverts. The ability of diadromous common jollytail, Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns), and spotted galaxias, Galaxias truttaceus (Val.), to pass upstream through an in situ pipe culvert modified through the installation of baffles was assessed. Spoiler baffles (100 × 70 × 28 or 56 mm) were installed in three spatial arrangements along a 5.5‐m section of the pipe, and individual fish passage assessed at three flow velocities (0.35, 0.70 and 1.0 m s−1). Common jollytails (43–169 mm fork length, FL) were 10 times more successful in passing when baffles were present than under control conditions (baffles absent). Baffle size did not influence success, which increased with the spatial complexity of the baffle arrangement. Across all velocities, common jollytails (46–132 mm FL) and spotted galaxias (55–190 mm FL) were, respectively, 86 and 73 times more successful with the most complex baffle arrangement (overall 80% success) compared with control conditions (overall 13.5% success). Success for both species decreased at higher velocities under control conditions; however, when baffles were present, this trend persisted only for common jollytails. Installing small spoiler baffles may provide a simple, cost‐effective solution to passage problems at culverts.

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