
In this modern era, there are still mostly school children who cannot use formal Indonesian in the school environment or the community environment. It is possible that they can still develop their respective regional languages ​​along with the development of this modern era so that sometimes they also communicate with teachers or parents and they may not understand what the aims and objectives have been expressed because maybe the language used is not formal. But it will also be very influential in the world of education because it is possible that students will not understand each other about the communication used by the teacher so that it can affect the understanding of the assignments that will be given by the teacher. In the process of implementing outreach to the community there are still many shortcomings between researchers and their targets. Therefore, researchers also need outside experience and want to learn more so that in the future they can be much better than now. The purpose of this research can also be expected for all students to be able to add insight into knowledge in building an organizational relationship within the school environment and in the community environment, so that they can create close relationships in building a solidarity within the organization. The method used by researchers is that researchers can measure students' understanding with two methods, namely: pre-test, post-test and power point in the initial presentation position, adding to understanding at the time of presentation and at the end of the presentation of the material. The researcher hopes that all students can understand the material that has been presented and can be useful for their lives in carrying out their education period and in the community.

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