
Purpose. The existing technological scheme of agglomeration does not allow obtaining a amount of agglomerate stabilized by size and strength with a small amount of trifle. The aim of the work is theoretical substantiation and development of measures to improve agglomerate production technology in modern conditions on the basis of the results of the study of effective methods of separate preparation of the charge before sintering, as well as methods of mechanical processing of sintered agglomerate in devices of special construction. Methodology. The analysis of the basic thermodynamic parameters and phase composition for the components of the sinter charge was carried out using the software complex HSC Chemistry 5.11. Investigation of the effect of separate preparation of the charge with the use of pre-prepared composites on the parameters of sintering and the quality of agglomerate was carried out in the laboratory of the department metallurgy of cast iron NMetAU at the aggregate for sintering. The determination of the effectiveness of the proposed measures was carried out by mechanical processing of agglomerates obtained after the classical and proposed scheme of preparation of the charge. The quality of the obtained agglomerate was estimated using indicators: uniformity of the granulometric composition, content of trifles, strength indicators after discharge to the steel plate [DSTU 3199-95], coefficient of shape of pieces of different sizes, chemical composition. Findings. It has been determined that the use of separate preparation of the charge has a positive effect: significantly decreases the amount of fraction 0-1 mm and increases the equivalent diameter of the granules; diminishes the mean square deviation and variation coefficient, indicating a more homogeneous granulometric composition of raw granules. The efficiency of separate preparation of a charge with the use of composite with the basicity of 0.9-1.0 is confirmed from a concentrate (size 0-0.1 mm), iron ore (0-3 mm), lime (0-3 mm) and limestone (0-3 mm) and residual blend with the basicity of 1.6-1.8 from iron ore (3-10 mm), sinter return (0-10 mm) and limestone (0-3 mm). Originality. The idea of interaction of different components of agglomeration charge during the separate processes of humidification and laceration is developed. The possibility of forming more homogeneous in size and composition of granules is substantiated, by their separate origin not only around large pieces of backs and ores, but also due to the separate interaction of small components with active surface properties, and subsequent joint granulation of the embryos of granules with the residual charge. It is shown that depending on the given conditions, at the stage of separate preparation of the charge, a binder part is formed predominantly of iron-calcium olivines and calcium ferrites. Practical value. Technological recommendations for increasing the efficiency of preparation of sinter charge to sintering and practical recomendations for the design and technological parameters of the drum-stabilizer work, which ensures the stabilization of agglomerate.

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