
The research of the influence of teff flour on the technological process and quality of wheat bread was present in the article. The analysis of the chemical composition of teff flour indicated, that it is a valuable raw material for enriching wheat bread. However, its dosage in the quantity of 10 and 20 % to the weight of wheat flour leads to decrease in the amount, springy and extensibility of gluten in the dough. Alveograph studies also confirmed that dosage of 20 % of teff flour the most decreases springy of the dough and it becomes more plastic. The improvement of the structural and mechanical parameters of bread with teff was applied the biotechnological method of preparation on sourdough that created on the pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria “Biolight”. The experimental studies were proving that utilizing of teff flour in the quantity of 10 % and sourdough improved both the quality and nutritional value of wheat bread. In particular, the specific volume of bread increased by 4.0 %, acidity ‒ by 2.9 % compared to the control; and the product was distinguished by a pleasant "nutty" taste and aroma. Close correlations between the percentage of teff addition and the spread of the dough ball were established, r=0.98 (n=10, p≤0.05) and the form stability of the bread, r=(‒0.95) (n=10, p≤0.05). It allowed establish that wheat bread with teff addition need to make in the mould. It was calculating that consumption of the daily norm of bread with 10% teff the consumer will be receiving a sufficient quantity of valuable food nutrients. Thus, the need of protein was covered by 42.9 and 49.8 %; iron ‒ by 32.3 and 28.5 %; vitamin B5 ‒ by 17.6 and 24.2 %, respectively, for men and women; and the need for phosphorus ‒ by 26.7 %, for both groups. The technology of wheat bread with teff of high quality for mass consumption that recommended for wide industrial implementation has been develop

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