
The article deals with the problem of overweight women and the measures that can influence it. The actual problem of reducing the quality of life of overweight women and the need to take this indicator into consideration when selecting the measures of physical therapy and assessing the quality of their use are raised. The results of the study of changes in quality of life after using of programs of physical therapy for the correction of excess weight are presented.
 The quality of life of young overweight women was evaluated using the SF-36 survey (physical and mental health). Experimental sample size: 10 females in the main group and 10 females in the control group. Weight loss program and improving the quality of life of young women through physical therapy lasted for 6 months. Programs of physical therapy in the main group was included elements of different directions of aerobics (classical aerobics, power aerobics, aerobics using different tools, aerobics with psycho-regulatory orientation) and nutrition correction. Programs of physical therapy in the control group was also included nutrition correction and fitness workouts with the use of simulators with a focus on strength and cycling.
 According to recent estimates, at least one in three adults in the world is overweight and almost one in 10 is obese. Being overweight is not only an aesthetic problem, it is a health threat that entails a number of illnesses and complications, reducing the quality of life. Not everyone knows that the risk of health problems manifests itself even with a slight overweight, and increases as you gain weight. For greater results in overweight correction, it is best to use aerobic and anaerobic fitness programs.
 A comprehensive physical therapy program has significantly improved the health of young women and has had a positive effect on physical and mental health. We have reason to believe that the overweight correction technique of the main group has proven to be more effective in improving the quality of life of women than the control group program.


  • The actual problem of reducing the quality of life of overweight women and the need to take this indicator into consideration when selecting the measures of physical therapy and assessing the quality of their use are raised

  • Weight loss program and improving the quality of life of young women through physical therapy lasted for 6 months

  • A comprehensive physical therapy program has significantly improved the health of young women and has had a positive effect on physical and mental health

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Improving the quality of life using physical therapy to correct excess weight in women. We have reason to believe that the overweight correction technique of the main group has proven to be more effective in improving the quality of life of women than the control group program. Мета роботи: оцінити ефективність засобів фізичної терапії при корекції зайвої ваги у жінок на покращення якості життя. Дослідження ефективності засобів фізичної терапії при корекції зайвої ваги у молодих жінок для покращення якості життя було проведено на базі атлетичного клубу «Адреналін» м.

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