
ABSTRACT It was aimed to investigate the effect of sous-vide cooking on texture and physicochemical properties of squid (Loligo vulgaris) muscle. Vacuum-packed squid samples were cooked with sous-vide cooking equipment at 60°C and 80°C for 30, 60, and 120 minutes. Physicochemical analyses (cooking loss, pH, color, and texture) of all samples were done. More cooking loss was detected in squid cooked at 80°C than at 60°C. The pH value increased with the increase in the cooking temperature. While the cooking temperature did not affect L* (lightness) value, it caused a decrease in a* (redness) value and an increase in b* (yellowness) value due to the temperature increase. The sous vide cooking method showed tenderization effect on tough textured squid meat. According to the texture analysis and sensory evaluation, better results were obtained with cooking for 60 minutes at 60°C compared to other temperatures and times.

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