
The article examines the problem of improving the model of interaction between a pedagogical university and basic schools in the context of involving higher education in the continuous development of teaching workers, developed and implemented by the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University in 2021. The purpose of the article is to analyze the elements of the model, adjust and describe the updated model. The authors consider changes in the interaction between the university and schools, the place of the pedagogical university and the scientific and methodological center for support of teaching workers in the unified federal system of support for teaching workers. The authors clarified the characteristics of the basic school and classified the schools with which the university interacts on a regular basis. Based on an assessment of the compliance of the existing practice of interaction between the university and basic schools with regulatory requirements, the model was updated. The updated model highlights the processes of organizing methodological support for teaching staff and management personnel (based on the scientific and methodological center for support of teaching workers) and support for educational and research activities of students. Lines of interaction: maintaining and developing professional competencies of teaching staff; maintaining and developing professional competencies of management personnel; scientific and methodological support for the activities of basic school teams; entry into the teaching profession; support of educational and research activities of students. Each line of interaction is aimed at a target group – the subject of the relationship. The content of the interaction is presented in current areas of development of the system of general and continuing pedagogical education and subject areas. The procedure for forming cooperation agreements with basic schools and road maps based on the action plan for the implementation of the university development program is described.

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