
The basic use of exercises of an asymmetric orientation is to improve the methods of teaching throwing the ball into the basket in motion to basketball players 12-14 years old. In basketball, increased activity during the competition period, and even the intensity of defense dramatically increase the value of gears in motion. The necessity of throwing the ball into the basket, performing attacks from different distances, the importance and improvement of methods of sports training are currently increasing even more. One way to solve this problem is to take into account the influence of functional asymmetry, which is effective in the process of shooting the ball into the basket in motion. We can see in the studies that the peculiarities of the manifestation of asymmetry as a tool in the training of basketball players have shown that its actuality. Therefore, the improvement of functional asymmetry is relevant in the process of technical training of young basketball players aged 12-14 years, taking into account the individual profile. As a result of our research, we found the use of asymmetrically oriented exercises in training sessions, and this process had a positive impact on the effectiveness of technical actions performed by a weak hand.

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