
This study aims to improve the quality of the management model of athletic sports club training management, especially running, jumping and throwing numbers at SMP Negeri 3 Wish Jaya, Aceh Besar district, and specifically aims to assess the extent of analyzing the capabilities of the athletic sports club management model in SMP Negeri 3. Want Jaya, Aceh Besar District, in this research study was carried out at SMP Negeri 3 Wish Jaya, Aceh Besar District. The method used is a qualitative analysis research method, which only assesses, looking at the feasibility of the development of management of the athletic sports club management. The results of the research obtained show that: 1) improve capabilities, facilitate the management / management of athletic sports, especially running, jumping and throwing numbers at SMP Negeri 3 Want Jaya, Aceh Besar District, 2) make an evaluation plan for the management of athletic sports club training management, especially numbers running, jumping and throwing at SMP Negeri 3 Wish Jaya, Aceh Besar District, 3) making monthly, weekly, and daily training programs, 4) applying rules to be more disciplined, focused and motivated in practicing, 5) being able to organize properly about scheduling, determination of a training location, especially the athletic sports club at SMP Negeri 3 Wish Jaya, Aceh Besar District. The results of the research and its discussion show that the management process and results of the management of Aceh Athletic sports in the area are still low, this is because the management, management, recruitment and financing processes are still lacking / are still in the stages of improvement towards a more advanced direction - average up to 75%.


  • This study aims to improve the quality of the management model for the management of athletic sports clubs, especially the running, jumping and throwing numbers at SMP Negeri 3 Want Jaya, Aceh Besar District, and aims to assess the extent of analyzing the capabilities of the management models of Athletic sports clubs in SMP Negeri 3 Wish Jaya District of Aceh Besar, in the study of this study carried out at SMP Negeri 3 Want Jaya District of Aceh Besar

  • MethodologyAspek Psikologi dan Pencapaian Prestasi Atlet Nasional, Anima Indonesia An Psychologi Journal

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Validasi Hasil Belajar e - ISSN : 2338-6029

Validasi hasil belajar dikenakan pada instrumen penelitian yang berupa tes. Validasi ini meliputi validasi teoretis dan validasi empiris. Validasi teoretis artinya mengadakan analisis instrumen yang terdiri atas face validity (tampilan tes), content validity (validitas isi). Validitas empiris artinya analisis terhadap butir-butir tes, yang dimulai dari pembuatan kisi-kisi soal, penulisan butir-butir soal, kunci jawaban dan kriteria pemberian skor

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