
The article is devoted to substantiating the need to reduce the level of conflict in modern companies to ensure an effective organizational culture. The essence of conflict as a social phenomenon is analyzed. The main preconditions for conflicts in companies are considered. The relationship between the level of conflict in the company and the level of its organizational culture has been studied. Theoretical generalization of methods for reducing the level of conflict is carried out. The role of the leader in reducing the level of conflict in the company is substantiated and the list of necessary actions and skills of the leader in this process is offered. Based on the above methodology, the level of conflict of the researched small company is determined and the type of its organizational culture is clarified. The main negative points that are present in the organizational culture of the company are highlighted. A list of measures to reduce the level of conflict is proposed. A forecast on the results of the implementation of the developed program to reduce the level of conflict in the studied company is performed.


  • The article is devoted to substantiating the need to reduce the level of conflict in modern companies to ensure an effective organizational culture

  • It is necessary to research and develop measures to reduce the level of conflict in companies to ensure a high level of organizational culture

  • The management of modern companies needs to focus on conflict management

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The article is devoted to substantiating the need to reduce the level of conflict in modern companies to ensure an effective organizational culture. Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню необхідності зниження рівня конфліктності в сучасних компаніях для забезпечення ефективної організаційної культури. Для отримання високого рівня організаційної культури необхідно забезпечити низький рівень конфліктності. Досліджено зв’язок між рівнем конфліктності в компанії та рівнем її організаційної культури. Що високий рівень конфліктності призводить до погіршення організаційної культури в компанії. Special attention is paid to raising the level of organizational culture as an important element of the personnel management in each company. One of the aspects of ensuring a high level of organizational culture in the company is the management of conflicts. It is necessary to research and develop measures to reduce the level of conflict in companies to ensure a high level of organizational culture

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