
Resolution No. 06-NQ/TW of the Fourth Plenum of the 12th Central Committeeof the Communist Party of Vietnam (“Resolution 06”) [1] outlines strategies and policiesfor effectively implementing the process of international economic integration whilemaintaining political and social stability in the context of Vietnam's participation in newgeneration free trade agreements. The resolution highlights the importance of addressingsocial issues, including developing the social work sector in Vietnam. In accordance withthe government's Resolution No. 22/NQ-CP on May 28, 2009[2], the Prime Minister ofVietnam issued Decision No. 32/2010/QD-TTg (“Decision 32”) [3] to approve the plan fordeveloping social work from 2010 to 2020. However, 12 years have passed since then, andmany objectives have yet to be achieved. The lack of legal tools is currently hindering thedevelopment of the social work sector, making it necessary to improve the legal policysystem in Vietnam to promote the sector's development in the context of internationalintegration.

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