
The purpose of this study was to improve communication between the ophthalmology and histopathology departments at Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, by effectively changing the structure and completion of the histopathology request form through the process of a successful audit. This aimed to ensure that comprehensive information was made available to the histopathologist. An audit was performed by review of 710 histopathology request forms, completed by the ophthalmology department, over a 1-year period, between July 2005 and June 2006 inclusive. Results were used to re-model the ophthalmic histopathology request form. New forms were circulated and all forms completed over a 3-month period, between January 2008 and March 2008, were reviewed, thus closing the audit loop. On the basis of audit results of 710 histopathology request forms, a new histopathology request form was created, which was easier to complete. Review of the 224 new histopathology request forms showed improved percentages of completion of important sections of the form. Through the audit process we have created a new ophthalmic histopathology request form that is more user-friendly for the ophthalmologist and more consistently provides the necessary information for the ophthalmic histopathologist. This has improved efficiency and effectiveness of communication between the specialities, which should contribute to minimise the chances of medical error and improved turnaround times for the planning and delivery of patient care.

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