
This article examines the development of information and communication competence of university teachers in the environment of distance learning support. In connection with the ever-increasing requirements for the level of training of specialists in higher professional education, the need to change the very paradigm of the educational process, its conceptual model from “education for life” to “education throughout life” has become obvious. The paradigm shift determines the main trends in the development of modern education, namely: continuity, mass character, fundamentality, individualization and humanization, orientation towards a competency-based approach. The use of new technologies currently makes it possible to organize the educational process at a qualitatively new level and to significantly expand the forms and methods of its organization. One of these forms is distance learning. Distance support of the educational process involves the use of tools and methods inherent in distance learning in the traditional educational process of a university. The purpose of the study is to develop and analyze a system for developing information and communication competence of teachers when using tools and methods of distance learning support.

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