
This research was conducted in order to prove whether the use of mind mapping technique was effective or not to improve writing ability in descriptive paragraph of the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Rio Pakava. It used pre- experimental research design. She took class VIII C to be the sample by using purposive sampling technique. The data of the research were collected by using observation and test. The result of observation was analyzed descriptively; meanwhile the test was analyzed statistically. The test divided into two; pre-test and post- test that were given. Based on the result of pre- test and post- test, it was found that the t counted was 19.9 by applying 0.05 level of significance with 27 degree of freedom (df= 28-1=27), we gott table value of 1.703. It shows that the t counted value is higher than the t table. It means that the use of mind mapping technique can improve the writing ability in descriptive paragraph of the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Rio Pakava. Keywords: Improving; Ability; writing; Descriptive paragraph; Mind Mapping .

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