
This paper aims to announce the purpose and contribution of the transnational cooperation project Improving the conservation effectiveness of wetlands – WetMainAreas. The project with a duration of two years (01.09.2017-31.08.2019) is funded under TNCP Balkan-Mediteranean 2014-2020 in accordance with Subsidy Contract BMP1/2.1/2342/2017. The WetMainAreas brings together research partners, users and observer partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and Republic of North Macedonia. The main purpose of the project is protection, conservation and development of the wetlands as a shared asset of the Balkan-Mediterranean territory, ensuring expansion of ecological connectivity and transnational ecosystems integration of designated areas with a target value of 3 568 225 ha. The project methodology is highly innovative – based on remote Earth observation techniques and testing of a novel method for proving the wetlands role as connecting units within the frame of ecosystem services. The main focus is on the „small wetlands“ and their maintaining role for improving the conservation effectiveness. The project contribution is: 1) Update of the picture of wetlands through mapping and field studies; 2) Mapping and assessment of wetland ecosystems connectivity and analysis of their integration in the designated areas and networks (Natura 2000); 3) Demonstration of joined wetlands conservation techniques at 4 pilot sites; 4) Development of good practices for promotion of environmental and cultural heritage; 5) Improvement of wetlands conservation policies.

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