
The purpose of the article is to expand the classification of regional development strategies. Research methods: comparative analysis, logical analysis, generalization, systematization. Object of research: classification features of regional development strategies. Subject of research: types of regional development strategies. The article presents the results of the author's comparative analysis of the classifications of regional development strategies available in the domestic and foreign scientific literature. The author emphasizes the lack of a stable classification and the need to expand it, given the high turbulence of changes taking place in the internal and external environments and the new challenges and tasks facing the regions. The author proposes to expand the list and content of classification features of regional development strategies and to distinguish, by the "type of innovation" feature, strategies of innovative breakthrough, strategies of innovative improvements and strategies of innovative modifications. This will make it possible to specify the type of system of changes that will be implemented at the regional level. It is also proposed to distinguish strategies at the expense of public funds, strategies at the expense of local budgets, and strategies at the expense of multichannel financing (including lending, funds of business entities, banking and non-banking institutions, etc.) This will make it possible to take into account the sources of financing that are extremely important for the further implementation of regional development strategies. In general, such proposals are a further step in the development of the scientific theory of regionalism, and are also important from a practical point of view (in the context of formalizing the process of developing/improving regional strategies). The results obtained can be used in further scientific research and implemented in the activities of regional authorities.

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