
Problem statement. One of the constructing antenna arrays (AA) topic is related to the determination of complex amplitudes at the input of the antenna-feeder path, which, taking into account the distortions introduced by the its, ensure the formation of an amplitude-phase distribution (APD), in which the formed DP differed minimally from the set one. The statement of the problem assumes the known number and coordinates of the location of the emitters, the DP of the radiating element in the composition of the radiating opening, a given radiation pattern. It is required to form an APD in a given opening of the AA, which ensures the formation of a DP that has a minimum deviation from the specified one. To solve the problem, the following algorithm is proposed: determination of the APD at the input of the antenna-feeder path, which ensures the formation of a given DP in the absence of distortions introduced by the antenna-feeder path; measurement for the selected directions of the generated DP with the selected APD in the presence of APD distortions introduced by the antenna-feeder path; formation of a refined APD that ensures the fulfillment of required condition in the presence of distortions introduced by the antenna-feeder path of the AA. Objective. Minimize the root-mean-square deviation of the generated PD from the one specified for the AP with the opening of an arbitrary geometry. Results. The results obtained showed: The formulation of the problem of synthesis of the APD allows us to consider, within the framework of a single approach, AA with different geometries, including AA with a non-planar radiating opening, no restrictions are imposed on the shape of the boundary, and linear (quasi-ring) AA, the emitters of which are located along an arbitrary mane. Using the proposed algorithm for the synthesis of APD, which includes three main stages: the formation of APD for a given DP; measurement of complex values of the generated DP; refinement of the APD by determining the corrections while minimizing the standard deviation (SD) between the specified and formed at the first stage of the DP, allows us to form an APD that provides a minimum SD between the specified and formed DP. The performed studies have shown that when choosing the number of angular directions in each plane, comparable to the number of emitters in this plane, there is a large difference between the given and formed DP. When the number of angular directions for measuring the DP is approximately three times greater than the number of emitters in a given plane, the SD between the specified and formed DP is close to the minimum value and practically does not change with further increase.

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