
For shared-memory parallel programs that use explicit synchronization, data race detection is an important part of debugging. A data race exists when concurrently executing sections of code access common shared variables. In programs intended to be data race free, they are sources of nondeterminism usually considered bugs. Previous methods for detecting data races in executions of parallel programs can determine when races occurred, but can report many data races that are artifacts of others and not direct manifestations of program bugs. Artifacts exist because some races can cause others and can also make false races appear real. Such artifacts can overwhelm the programmer with information irrelevant for debugging. This paper presents results showing how to identify nonartifact data races by validation and ordering. Data race validation attempts to determine which races involve events that either did execute concurrently or could have (called feasible data races). We show how each detected race can either be guaranteed feasible, or when insufficient information is available, sets of races can be identified within which at least one is guaranteed feasible. Data race ordering attempts to identify races that did not occur only as a result of others. Data races can be partitioned so that it is known whether a race in one partition may have affected a race in another. The first partitions are guaranteed to contain at least one feasible data race that is not an artifact of any kind. By combining validation and ordering, the programmer can be directed to those data races that should be investigated first for debugging. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Research supported in part by National Science Foundation grant CCR-8815928, Office of Naval Research grant N00014-89-J-1222, and a Digital Equipment Corporation External Research Grant. To appear in Proc. of the Third ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Williamsburg, VA, April 1991.

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