
Improving access to its data resources can be considered one of the major objectives for the Census of Canada. The samc could be said for the wide range of statistical activities undertaken by Statistics Canada, the National Statistical agency in Canada. Obviously, accessibility is only one consideration, and it must be viewec jointly with the needs of users and the actual packaging of the data products The Census data resource, aside from its statutory purpose for establishing Parliamentary Representation, has a very-wide and varied audience. This factor creates substantial challenges in trying to establish some (sub) optimal mix for the contents of the preplanned outputs. With respect to outputs, we have to be concernec in the public interest with the cost aspects to provide rational substantiation of the funding, and with the practical limitations on the organization's ability to actually produce the materials in acceptable time frames. We have also become exposed in the current time frame (with the 1971 Census of Canada) to the full force of significant changes and technological expansion in the area of automated information processing. These changes, as many people realize, have not been easy to keer up with nor have they been the solution tc all our problems. All otf a sudden we are in a new ball game, and the comfortable stability gained from experience with past errors and conventional products and methods of producing the latter is now overshadowed by the need to gain at least an appreciation for the new technical operating environment and the development of some competency in assessing the impact of such technological changes, not only for internal operations but in the user environment. This paper deals with the variety of steps taken to address the problems of accessibility. Some of these were by design and planned; others, however, were developed by dynamic adjustment to the situations and environment. The development of technologically current products and innovative approaches to the process of dissemination of information are essential if there is to be any degree of compatibility between the users' application needs and the nature of products and services available. Improvements in accessibility will be determined, in general terms, by the degree to which one can expand and communicate the collective knowledge about the information readily or potentially available and the degree to which the potential of the data base(s) can be exploited. Data availability and the facility to

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