
Lack of variation in implementing learning method makes students do not participate actively and are bored within teaching and learning process, thus there should be a new teaching model that is intended to improve students’ active participation. This research investigated on how carefully cooperative learning model by applying Teams Games Tournament, which is to find out whether the model can improve students’ level of activity in mechanical technique subject of modelling and information design department in SMKN 1 Sumedang. The research was classroom action research conducted in two cycles. Furthermore, observation report, students’ active participation, field notes and tests as the instruments. The sample of this study was thirty five of tenth grade of DPIB 4 students who were taking mechanical technique class. The findings revealed that there is a significant improvement in students’ active participation and students’ learning outcomes. The writer saw that if students are engaged in the teaching and learning process, there will be an improvement in their learning outcomes. In addition, students’ level of activity improves in the following aspects: visual activities, oral activities, listening activities, writing activities, motor activities, mental activities, and emotional activities. The study concludes that cooperative learning model, by applying TGT model, can be recommended as one of alternative learning models which can improve students’ level of activity and students’ learning outcomes.

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