
An urgent task in the field of public administration of non-banking financial services markets is to improve the regulation of the insurance market. On the example of the insurance services market, the problems of the functioning of the financial market regulation system are highlighted. Suggestions for its improvement are presented to increase the competitiveness of these markets. The development of the Ukrainian insurance market after 2015 to the present has a positive trend, which indicates the effectiveness and managerial ability of the state regulation system. The indicators of the state of the insurance market of Ukraine in comparison with similar indicators of such markets in the countries of the European Union are considered. The dynamics of concentration of the insurance market of Ukraine over the past 15 years has been analyzed. The main trends in the development of competition in this financial sphere have been identified. The necessity of state regulation of the concentration of the insurance market is substantiated. Views on the methodology and tools used in the study of the concentration and competitiveness of the insurance market are presented. Suggestions for improving the methods are given. It is shown that from 2012 to 2019 the Herfindahl - Hirschman index for risky types of insurance and for the insurance market as a whole has been increasing. It is established that according to the gradation of financial market concentration levels using the Herfindahl - Hirschman index, the insurance market of Ukraine corresponds to the degree of low concentration. According to the value of the Herfindahl - Hirschman indicator, the concentration of the life insurance market during 2003 – 2019, with the exception of 2015, is moderate. But the total share of gross insurance premiums collected by the three largest insurance companies in 2017 – 2019 exceeded 50 % of all gross insurance premiums. According to the Ukrainian law, such a market is considered a monopoly. It is shown that when analyzing the state and development of the insurance market of Ukraine, it is advisable to supplement the values of the Herfindahl - Hirschman index with corrective coefficients that take into account regional characteristics of the market, types of insurance, additional indicators of its functioning efficiency. Measures are proposed to accelerate the development of the insurance market of Ukraine by improving its regulation system.

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