
Aging Strong 2020 was developed to promote health and well-being and increase resilience by focusing on the pillars of enhanced purpose in life, social connectedness, and optimism. A series of eight interventions over three years tested the feasibility of enhancing these pillars. Interventions included: 1) An expressive writing program, 2) Animatronic pets, 3) A telephonic reminiscent program, 4) An online self-compassion mindfulness program, 5) A technology-based behavior change tool, 6) An online and workbook tool for purpose, 7) An online happiness program, and 8) A peer-to-peer support program. Each program demonstrated efficacy dependent on the pillar targeted and the population sampled. Overall, some improvement was found among participants in resilience (47%), purpose (49%), optimism (44%), and loneliness (48%). Further, participant satisfaction improved in each program with Net Promoter Scores increasing between 7-19 points. Results demonstrate that Aging Strong 2020 was successful, contributing to a holistic model of healthy aging.

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