
With millions of devices connected together, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an emerging technology for future wireless networks. The ever-increasing number of smart devices and data hungry applications demand a high Quality-of-Service (QoS) for IoT. In conventional networks, data being sent to cloud for computational purpose leads to poor QoS. In order to address QoS challenges, mobile edge networks have emerged as a promising solution. In edge networks, bringing the networks resources closer to the end devices results in improved QoS. The maneuverability and the ease of versatile deployment coupled with cost efficiency makes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) a promising candidate for future edge networks. The UAVs can act as edge servers to provide computational capabilities and improved services to the edge devices. Due to the flying ability, UAVs can establish better line-of-sight link with the ground devices. In this paper, we consider that the edge devices in the area of interest have to be facilitated with a certain desired QoS, which is based on the notion of outage probability of the wireless link between the UAV and the edge devices. In this context, we first propose a novel method that computes the optimum height at which UAV should hover, resulting in maximum coverage radius with sufficiently small outage probability. Then the geographical area is divided in optimal number of clusters using a novel algorithm based on K-means clustering. The method computes the optimum number of UAVs required for covering the area of interest. Each of the UAVs utilizes 3D beamforming in order to cover its own coverage area. For this purpose, we are taking coordinate transformation of the original area and forming a wide beam to cover the desired area. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method when compared to existing methods, which validate the utilization of the proposed method over large scale network applications.

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