
16030 Background: To assess the overall quality of cancer care, efforts seek consensus quality indicators that crosscut health services. Although pilot programs have collected and analyzed relevant clinical data, they have been unable to collect radiation oncology (RO) data detailed enough to assess the quality of services or to inform key decision makers. Quality Research in Radiation Oncology (QRRO) conducted retrospective surveys of national practice since 1973 with major positive impact on the quality of practice through recursive processes. Methods: From Donabedian’s model of quality assessment, QRRO analyzes crucial quality components by conducting Facilities, Process, and Outcomes Surveys. Survey design allows calculation of national averages for patients treated with RO and comparisons by key factors. Evolving data collection methods allow assessment of modern technologies. Methods start with definition and measurement of evidence-based quality indicators but allow greater detail and specification than most other quality measurement efforts. Results: QRRO showed that radiation dose affected outcomes for prostate cancer patients. Higher radiation doses were associated with improved local tumor control rates and treatment techniques affected toxicity rates. These results, presented widely in numerous venues, stimulated dose escalation clinical trials. Trials conducted in the USA all used QRRO results as critical data, providing the major impetus to test new directions in dose escalation and new methods to target delivery more precisely. National practice shifted to higher doses and use of conformal techniques. The dataset is unique in providing cross-sectional information on practice patterns with a wide variety of treatment approaches from many institutions and sufficient details of treatment delivery to allow examination of questions about quality and effects of techniques. Conclusions: Mounting societal demands for improvement in the quality of care, ever increasing complexity of radiation therapy, and escalating use of multi-modality treatment make continuing to measure, report, and improve quality of care in RO crucial to patients and the profession. Methods must keep pace with new technologies and techniques in radiation therapy. [Supported by NCI grant CA 65435]. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

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