
Digital revolution has changed people’s behavior and culture in communicating and consuming information using online media that is why the existence of printed media in local language is increasingly displaced and threatened with extinction. The number of magazine in local language published is dwindled as they are not able to compete against magazines in Indonesian language. This is also supported by the breakdown of regeneration of printed media readers shifting to digital media. The dominance of Indonesian language as national language over local language used for speaking and the lack of local language development as local content in the school curriculum shows that the literacy level of millennial generation is low on Penginyongan language in Barlingmascakep area (Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Banyumas, Cilacap and Kebumen). Ancas magazine becomes vernacular press and local wisdom based printed media providing educative, persuasive and recreational information. The use of gadget or electronic device connected to internet network can be used to improve the culture of Penginyongan literacy on millennial generation in digital era. Based on the problems above, the research question in this research was how the implementation of e-paper magazine of Ancas Banyumasan improved the culture of Penginyongan language literacy in millennial era. The objective of this research was to maintain the existence of local magazine of Ancas Banyumasan in the development of digital based information technology in the Internet of Things (IoT) era and then it can be awareness media in maintaining and preserving local culture value of Banyumasan.

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