
INTRODUCTION At present there are 441 operating mines in Australia mining commodities such as coal, mineral sands, iron ore, base, light and precious metals, uranium, and diamonds (Geoscience Australia, 2013). A significant number of these have an open cut or surface component to them. Open cut mines are usually easier, cheaper, and quicker to bring into production than underground mines, but often have a relatively short life-span, after which it may become necessary to move to underground mining to access deeper commodities. Government authorization must be obtained to mine Crown or private land in Australia and land disturbed by mining activities must be returned to a sustainable post-mining land use. In more recent times, miners usually undertake progressive rehabilitation programs where mine closure planning is developed within the initial stages of mine operations rather than only being considered after mining ceases; however, Australia also has a legacy of unplanned mine closures, unsafe workings, ...

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