
Abstract This study aims to improve the mathematical literacy ability of elementary school students by using field trip in mathematics learning. This research tried to find out the general description of field trip starting from planning, implementation and evaluation. The object of field trip is adjusted to the mathematical material so that it gives an effect on students' mathematical literacy. The mathematical material used in this study is rounding and scale. The research design used for the trial was One Group Pretest-Posttest Design, by using n-gain test for data anlysis. Data collection is done through mathematical literacy tests and observations of student activities. The results showed an increase in mathematical literacy ability through the post-test and pretest. The first post-test obtained an increase of 54.48% and the second post-test 8.30%. The results of the N-Gain analysis showed the mathematical literacy ability of students in the rounding material and the scale increases from the first pretests of 0.7 and the second pretest of 0.77, of the two results indicate N-gain in the high category so that mathematics learning through the field trip can improve students' mathematical literacy effectively. Keywords : field trips, mathematical literacy, mathematics learning. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa Sekolah Dasar dengan menggunakan field trip pada pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menemukan gambaran umum tentang implementasi field trip mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Lokasi field trip yang dituju disesuaikan dengan materi matematika, sehingga memberikan efek dalam literasi matematis siswa. Materi matematika yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah materi pembulatan dan skala. Desain penelitian yang digunakan untuk uji coba adalah one group pretest-posttest design , dengan analisis data menggunakan uji n-gain. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes literasi matematis dan pengamatan aktivitas siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan literasi matematis dari hasil postes dan pretes. Postes pertama diperoleh peningkatan sebesar 54.48%, dan postes kedua 8.30%. Hasil analisis N-Gain menunjukkan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika pada materi pembulatan dan skala meningkat dari pretes-postes pertama sebesar 0.7 dan pretes-postes kedua sebesar 0.77, dari kedua hasil tersebut menunjukkan N-gain pada kategori tinggi sehingga pembelajaran matematika melalui field trip untuk meningkatkan literasi matematis efektif dalam penerapannya. Kata kunci: field trip, literasi matematis, pembelajaran matematika.


  • Elementary School (SD) is a formal educational institution that needs to be considered for its existence to determine the success of education at the level, the function of elementary schools is to provide basic knowledge, attitudes and ability to students

  • Field trips in this study are interpreted as narrative descriptions to describe the procedures or steps of a field trip in achieving a specific goal, and these steps can be used to measure success or failure in achieving mathematical literacy abilities of elementary school students

  • An overview of the implementation of learning mathematics through field trips can be seen in the following figure: 1. Preparation Stage Teachers assign Mathematics Lesson materials Teachers determine the purpose of mathematics learning The teacher determines the field trip location Teachers take care of licensing Teachers determine the time of field trip execution Teachers composing RPP Teachers compose student Worksheets Teachers will provide the means and budget for Teachers divide a group of students The teacher follows the student order

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Elementary School (SD) is a formal educational institution that needs to be considered for its existence to determine the success of education at the level, the function of elementary schools is to provide basic knowledge, attitudes and ability to students. Mathematical abstracts and other features that are not simple, cause mathematics is not easy to learn, and in the end, many students are less interested in mathematics (Arifuddin, 2016). This means that a solution is needed that can connect mathematical scholarship so that it is understood by students. Finding a solution is a challenge for mathematics teachers to determine the right learning model applied to students, where the learning of mathematics must be interesting, easy to understand, inspiring, and challenging to be involved, so that makes students intelligent mathematics. The process of receiving mathematical information from beginning to end conveyed by the teacher to students in achieving learning goals in mathematics learning

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