
A large number of scientific works and design developments are devoted to the study and improvement of the properties of maneuverability, which is also a complex (complex) property. At one time, the need to reduce the building volume required the installation of swivel wheels on the front steering axle of the car. However, in this case, additional resistance to the movement of the machine arose, which is due to the discrepancy between the trajectories of the movement of the front outer and inner guide wheels with their trajectories during an ideal turn. The development of the designs of electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles allows for separate control of the front wheels. The analysis of the whole variety of indicators and criteria of maneuverability in general and individual properties was carried out. Unlike other systematization of these indicators and criteria, it is proposed to divide these indicators and criteria into three main groups. All indicators and criteria used to assess the maneuverability of vehicles are also used to assess the maneuverability of wheeled tractors with a center of mass shifted to the rear axle and, therefore, have low controllability. Force and energy criteria can be used in the design of cars and tractors to ensure the ability of the latter to maneuver. In addition, as a result of the study, a combined method for controlling the movement of a two-axle swivel bogie of a wheeled vehicle has been improved due to the fact that its rotation is carried out by two torque control moments. The first of these control torques is generated by the driver through the steering and power cylinder. The second torque control moment is created due to the difference in torques on the wheels of the outer and inner sides of the two-axle swivel bogie. The implementation of these rules for regulating the distribution of traction forces between the sides makes it possible to overcome the resistance to rotation of a two-axle swivel bogie and improve the quality of motion control of the specified bogie and wheeled vehicle. Keywords: maneuverability, separate control, wheeled vehicle, control method, two-axle swivel bogie

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