
ABSTRACT Linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA) and regression analysis are the two most conventionally used methods to estimate impervious surfaces at the subpixel scale in an urban area. However, LSMA lacks the sensitivity to pixel brightness, which leads to inter variability of endmembers and affects the ability to distinguish features with a similar spectral signature. This research aims to develop LSMA aided by a regression analysis model to estimate impervious surfaces with higher accuracy. A spectral angle mapping (SAM) based regression analysis model is introduced to reduce errors. Based on high-resolution images and field survey data, the SAM-based regression analysis can estimate non-impervious surface and high-impervious surface densities with high accuracy, while less accurate in impervious surfaces with low/medium density. In contrast, LSMA is able to estimate low/medium-density impervious surfaces with higher accuracy. We propose an improved approach by integrating the two methods, regression analysis aided LSMA, for impervious surface estimation. The proposed method increases the overall accuracy of the impervious surface estimation to 85.24%, which is significantly greater than that of the conventional methods.

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