
AbstractThe development of web applications is an essential and critical skill for Computer Science Engineers. Nowadays, this is a core subject in the Computer Science Engineering Studies and an increasingly demanded subject in other Engineering Studies. With the aim to facilitate introductory know‐how in this area, the University Autónoma of Madrid offers at edX Platform the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): “Introduction to Development of Web Applications”. Several studies have emphasised the positive impact of methods, such as the use of continuous feedback, to improve and promote learning persistence and engagement in online courses. We propose a system for periodically providing MOOC learners information about their progress and suggestions about how can they can improve their learner performance based on their achievements and interactions in MOOCs. This system is called Learning Intervention System for edX MOOCs (edX‐LIS). To test the intervention strategy on learners' behaviour supported by edX‐LIS, a research study was conducted with the learners of the mentioned MOOC. The results obtained from this study have demonstrated that the intervention strategy supported by the edX‐LIS has a positive impact on the motivation, persistence and engagement of the learners in the MOOC.

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