
The problem in this research is that there is notest instrument passing and control designed according to the situation and condition of futsal athletes who follow digital developments in the West Sumatran environment, especially Padang State University. The purpose of this study was to make a prototype of a test instrument passing and control digital-based futsal athletes. This research is development research with a model design adapted from Borg & Gall. The research subjects were Futsal Athletes from the Faculty of Sport Science, Padang State University, and six experts, namely two Evaluation and Measurement Test experts, one Futsal Expert, and three IT Experts. The development of the test instrument for passing and control futsal athletes was carried out by testing the futsal athletes of Sport Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia using a small group test of 30 people and a large group test totaling 177 people on futsal athletes in the city of Padang, where the method used was the expert validity method with an assessment using a questionnaire instrument and the method test and retest to test the reliability of the tool which was analyzed using the correlational r formula. The process of developing the test instrument for passing and control futsal athletes was carried out through the first stages, namely looking for potential problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, product revision, usage trial, and product revision. Then the expert validation test was carried out with a questionnaire assessment so that 90% validity was obtained in the "Very Good / Decent" category and the validation level by the large group judge was 0.996 the "very high" category and the small group judge validation level was 0.997 "very high" with a small group reliability test of 0.997 and the large group of 0.996 with both reliability categories "High", the practicality value was 91% and the effectiveness value was 88%. Thus, it can be concluded that the test instrument is passing and control digital-based futsal athletes used as a measuring tool to measure passing and control.

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