
This study aims to assess the product performance of a new moldable peristomal adhesive with corresponding heating pad designed to facilitate and improve automatic speaking valve (ASV) fixation for hands-free speech in laryngectomized patients. Twenty laryngectomized patients, all regular adhesive users with prior ASV experience, were included. Study-specific questionnaires were used for data collection at baseline and after two weeks of moldable adhesive use. The primary outcome parameters were adhesive lifetime during hands-free speech, use and duration of hands-free speech, and patient preference. Additional outcome parameters were satisfaction, comfort, fit, and usability. The moldable adhesive enabled ASV fixation adequate for hands-free speech in the majority of participants. Overall, the moldable adhesive significantly increased adhesive lifetime and duration of hands-free speech compared to participants' baseline adhesives (p< 0.05), regardless of stoma depth, skin irritation, or regular use of hands-free speech at baseline. The participants who preferred the moldable adhesive (55% of participants) experienced a significant increase in the adhesive lifetime (median of 24 h, range 8-144 h) and improved comfort, fit, and ease of speech. The moldable adhesive's lifetime and functional aspects, including the ease of use and custom fit, are encouraging outcomes and enable more laryngectomized patients to use hands-free speech more regularly. 4 Laryngoscope, 133:2965-2970, 2023.

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