
Apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) has become pride of hill farmers for appreciably improving their economy. In rainfed area of hilly regions, where the orchards are mainly established on medium to steep slopes, make the plants prone to water stress as well as nutrient loss from the soil. In spite of no assured irrigation in the hills, the moisture conservation techniques are not in practice. Under such condition, mulching may be practiced during crop cultivation which can be a substitute of irrigation to minimize moisture and nutrient loss as well as cost of production. Considering the above factors, on farm trials were conducted at Harshil area of Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand at 2530 ft above mean sea level during the year 2010–11 and 2011–12. The trial consisted of four treatments viz., T1, mulching with black polythene, T2, mulching with dry grasses, T3, mulching with straw and T4, clean cultivation as control. Total four treatments were replicated five times. The maximum annual growth was observed under black polythene mulch, while minimum was found under clean cultivation. The highest fruit yield was recorded in mulching with black polythene followed by mulching with dry grasses, however, lowest fruit yield was observed under clean cultivation during both the years. It can be concluded that the plastic mulch has been found efficient for enhancing growth, productivity and profitability of apple crop under rainfed condition.

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