
In PROPELLER MRI, obtaining sufficient high-quality blade data remains a challenge, so the efficiency and generalization of deep learning-based reconstruction models are deteriorated. Due to narrow rotated and translated blades acquired in PROPELLER, the technique of data augmentation that is used for deep learning-based Cartesian MRI reconstruction cannot be directly applied. To address the issue, this paper introduces a novel approach for the generation of synthetic PROPELLER blades, and it is subsequently employed in data augmentation for undersampled blades reconstruction. The principal aim of this study is to address the challenges of reconstructing undersampled blades to enhance both image quality and computational efficiency. Evaluation metrics including PSNR, NMSE, and SSIM indicate superior performance of the model trained with augmented data compared to non-augmented counterparts. The synthetic blade augmentation significantly enhances the model's generalization capability and enables robust performance across varying imaging conditions. Furthermore, the study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing synthetic blades exclusively in the training phase, suggesting a reduced dependency on real PROPELLER blades. This innovation in synthetic blade generation and data augmentation technique contributes to enhanced image quality and improved generalization capability of the associated deep learning model for PROPELLER MRI reconstruction.

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