
Described is an improved data acquisition system for fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV). The system was designed to significantly diminish noise sources that were identified in previously recorded FSCV measurements for the detection of neurotransmitters. Minimized noise is necessary to observe the low concentrations of neurotransmitters that are physiologically important. The system was based on a high-speed, 16-bit AD/DA acquisition board that allowed high scan rates and better resolved the small faradaic currents which remained after background subtraction. Irregularities that occur when independent timing sources are used for generation of the voltage waveform and collection of the current can create large noise artifacts near the voltage limits during FSCV. These were eliminated by the use of a single acquisition board that generated the voltage waveform and collected the current. Noise from frequency drift of the power line was eliminated through the use of a phase-locked loop. To demonstrate the improved performance of the system, data were collected using carbon-fiber microelectrodes in a flow injection analysis system and in brain slices. This new data acquisition system performed significantly better than another system previously used in our laboratory without these features. The improved detection limits of the new system allowed clearly resolved current spikes featuring pre-release "feet" to be recorded adjacent to individual mast cells following chemical stimulation. When combined with false-color plots, the low-noise system facilitated identification of dopamine release in a freely moving animal.

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