
Creative thinking skills are skills that must be possessed by the students in the 21st century, however, the learning activities in schools, in general, do not practice the skills of creative thinking of students, so the creative thinking skills of students are still low. This study aims to determine effect model Creative Problem Solving (CPS) to increase creative thinking skills of students in the work and energy concept. The method used in this study is a pre-experiment with the design of one-group pretest-posttest. The population of this study was the students of class X MIA SMAN 22 Garut, the sample was selected by random sampling technique that is class X MIA 2 with the number of 27 students. The instrument for measurement creative thinking skills of student used test essay. The improved creative thinking skills of students are based on the normalized gain score <g> of 0.85 included in the high category. Hypothesis testing is done using test-t obtained Tcount (58.33) > Ttabel (2,056) which means that Ho refused and Ha accepted. CPS models can thus be used as an alternative to improve the creative thinking skills of students in the work and energy concept.

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