
Abstract While the current global reduction in oil prices has impacted the operating budgets of many oil and gas operators, the need for corrosion control measures to maintain assets has not correspondingly decreased. To maintain the degree of corrosion control that was possible under more favorable economic conditions, operators must look for ways to improve efficiencies and ensure that corrosion expenditures and programs are providing the greatest benefits possible. In the current economic climate the need for standardization and the reduction of complexity have also been discussed by industry as a means of increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs. The process of corrosion management, although viewed by some as being complex in itself, is actually essential if operators seek to optimize corrosion control expenses and reduce complexity. In addition, some operators have struggled to achieve mature, fully integrated corrosion management systems and thus may not have been realizing the potential benefits of this approach in the past. Considering that the core processes in corrosion control can be viewed as threat assessment, prevention/mitigation, and monitoring; a corrosion management system should help ensure that these processes are carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible within the context of the organization. This paper reviews several of the key elements of corrosion management as applicable to upstream oil and gas production, and describes the efficiencies that operators could realize if corrosion management processes are thoughtfully implemented and ingrained in the fabric of their organizations. Four elements that are emphasized include communication, resourcing, organization and integration. A corrosion management approach need not increase complexity and in many cases, it can streamline work flows by eliminating redundant efforts and areas of confusion. Efficiencies fostered by implementing key elements of corrosion management are illustrated in regard to their effect on optimizing corrosion threat assessment, prevention/mitigation, and monitoring; thereby reducing operating cost, lost production and operational risk.

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