
Many Motor trade apprentice students enter the later years of their studies ill prepared for the level of the material encountered. This is due to several factors including the level of mathematics they have on leaving school. A lot of basic material has been covered during earlier years of their training but by the time they reach the third year of their apprenticeship (Phase 6) it is not safe to assume that they have a full grasp of the basics required. I have developed a diagnostic test to measure the level of preparedness of these students. This test covers basic mathematics, science and engine technology. In addition to this the diagnostic test also forces students to revise and master the basics from their earlier years. Along with the test a series of online resources have also been provided to the students. In this paper the test is outlined in detail. We enumerate the problem areas encountered by students studying mathematics and related subjects and suggest possible improvements that could be made by this initiative. INTRODUCTION In Ireland students may enter an apprenticeship once they have obtained a minimum of five passes at junior stage second level education and are over a minimum age. Mathematics is one subject studied at junior stage second level but it is not compulsory to pass this subject in order to enter into an apprenticeship. Therefore after beginning their apprenticeship and reaching off-the-job training apprentices may discover that any past mathematical weakness will resurface. During their apprenticeship both the level and standard of mathematics increases as apprentices progress through their periods of off the job training. This is particularly a problem at phase 6 level (see below). Phase 6 is the highest level that an apprenticeship maybe studied in Ireland at off the job level. Therefore the level of mathematics at this level is also high. In general apprentice students struggle with mathematics at phase 6 for the following reasons : 1. It has been possibly one to two years since they last studied the subject during their last off the job training course/phase 4. 2. The level and standard of mathematics increases during an apprenticeship. 3. Problems with mathematics encountered during second level education re-surface. This test should be seen as part of a two-part process. Firstly it is used by apprentices as a revision tool in order to revise mathematical type questions and help prepare them for similar course work during their phase 6 off the job training. Secondly it allows both mathematical as well as apprentice educators in general to gather efficiently information relating to apprentice weaknesses in the area of mathematics resulting in prompt and effective follow-up in order to deal with both individual weaknesses and those of the whole cohort. IRISH APPRENTICESHIP MODEL Apprenticeship is the recognized means by which people are trained to become craftspeople in Ireland. The main craft trades in Ireland have been designated by FAS which is the national training authority in Ireland and come within the scope of the Statutory Apprenticeship system, which is organized in Ireland by FAS in co-operation with the Department of Education and skills, employers and unions. The apprenticeship certification and awarding body in Ireland is FETAC (Further Education and Training Council). Apprenticeship in Ireland is a demand-driven, workplace and classroom, educational and training program for employed people aimed at developing the skills of the apprentice to meet the needs of industry and the labour market. The curriculum for each apprenticeship program is based on uniform, pre-specified standards which are agreed and determined by industry. On successful completion of an apprenticeship a FETAC Advanced Certificate is awarded, this is recognized internationally as the requirement for craftsperson status. The Irish apprenticeship system is a modular standards-based system that was introduced in the mid 1990s having succeeded the previous day release scheme and generally comprises of seven alternating phases as listed in table 1 below. Phase Description of phase

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