
The purpose of this review paper is to describe the 24-h urine collection in terms of its utility, collection process, and common problems with its acquisition. Although 24-h urine collections are standard of care for high-risk stone formers, several nuances in test acquisition including inaccurate urine collections 50% of the time and poor patient compliance limit its potential utility. Compliance in obtaining 24-h urine collections has been shown to be improved in patients who have not undergone surgical treatment of urinary calculi, patients with metabolic stone disease or family history of stone disease, Caucasian ethnicity, and in those with more sedentary occupations. Studies show conflicting data of compliance regarding patient age and gender. Physicians must understand the difficulties regarding 24-h urine collections including patient compliance, variability between collections, and complexities with interpretation to best utilize this tool in guiding clinical management for the treatment of nephrolithiasis.

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