
The Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is designed to acquire L -band radiometer measurements for the estimation of soil moisture with 0.04 m3/m3 volumetric accuracy in the top 5 cm for vegetation with water content of less than 5 kg/m2. In regions near the coast or near inland bodies of water, the signal measured by the SMAP radiometer contains emissions from land and water, resulting in errors in the soil moisture estimation. In this article, the effort to extract the brightness temperature (TB) according to the land fraction or water fraction (depending on the center of the footprint location) from the affected SMAP measurements was addressed. A single pixel correction algorithm was applied and its performance was evaluated over simulated data. A data-driven approach for the estimation of land and water TB for data correction was developed. The correction algorithm was then applied to real data and its performance was assessed over the SMAP soil moisture retrievals. We showed that the single pixel algorithm is an effective and computationally efficient algorithm for removing land or water TB contamination from the SMAP data.

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