
Improving soft skills for students is major to prepare students before entering the world of work after obtaining a bachelor's degree. So far, many students still think that hard skills are the determining variable for success in the world of work, and tend to underestimate soft skills. Student Leadership Training (DKM) activities organized by the Student Executive Board and Biology Study Program Student Association, FMIPA, University of Islam Malang, aim to provide knowledge and understanding of the importance of developing soft skills for students. This activity held on Saturday, 27 May 2023. A total of 51 students participated in the activity. This activity was carried out on the providing material on the importance of developing students' soft skills, followed by a discussion session. To evaluate the effectiveness of the activity, a questionnaire was used in the form of a Google form which had to be filled out before delivering the discussion material (pre-test) and afterward (post-test). Descriptive data analysis in the form of a pie chart that represents knowledge and changes in student perceptions about soft skills. The evaluation results in the form of six key questions show that there is an increase in students' knowledge of the importance of developing soft skills which will be useful for completing studies and being successful in the world of work. The development of soft skills must be carried out in the world of higher education which can be developed in curricular, extra-curricular, and non-curricular activities, as the main complement to the development of hard skills that have been developed in curricular activities. Keyword: Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Persepsi, Mahasiswa Biologi

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