
Introduction: This study aimed to determine the interchangeability of bilateral anterior chamber depth (ACD) in intraocular lens (IOL) power calculations for cataractous eyes and refractive outcomes using the unaffected fellow eye’s ACD in subluxated crystalline lenses. Methods: The predicted postoperative spherical equivalent (SE) calculated using the Kane formula with and without fellow eye’s ACD in 202 cataract patients was compared. Refractive outcomes of the newer formulas (the Kane, Barrett Universal II [BUII], and Pearl-DGS formulas) with affected eye’s ACD and with unaffected fellow eye’s ACD were compared in 33 eyes with lens subluxation (the affected eye) undergoing in-the-bag IOL implantation. The SD of the prediction error (PE) was assessed using the heteroscedastic method. Results: In 202 paired cataractous eyes, no marked ACD difference was found bilaterally; the predicted SE obtained without the fellow eye’s ACD was comparable with that calculated with the fellow eye one (p = 0.90), with a mean absolute difference of 0.03 ± 0.03 D. With the affected eye AL, keratometry, and ACD, the median absolute error (MedAE) was 0.38–0.64 D, and the percentage of PE within ±0.50 D was 30.30–57.58%. The unaffected eye’s ACD improved the results (MedAE, 0.35–0.49 D; the percentage of PE within ±0.50 D, 54.55–63.64%). The SDs of the BUII (0.82 D) and Pearl-DGS formulas (0.87 D) with the affected eye’s ACD were significantly larger than those of the Kane and Pearl-DGS formulas (both 0.69 D) with the unaffected eye’s ACD. Conclusion: Bilateral ACD was interchangeable in IOL power calculation for cataractous eyes when using the Kane formula. Unaffected eye’s ACD in lieu of affected eye’s ACD can enhance the accuracy of newer formulas in patients with unilateral subluxated lenses undergoing in-the-bag IOL implantation.

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