
Improvements on the steroid receptor assay have been developed which eliminate tedious procedures and give faster and more accurate results. A protein assay (Waddell method) is discussed which directly measures peptide bonds in cytosolic material. It is more rapid and more sensitive than the Lowry method. Programs for the analysis of data obtained by either the dextran-coated charcoal method or the sucrose density gradient have been written. These are superior to previously published programs and can be incorporated into any laboratory with a minimum of cost. The program for the dextran-coated charcoal method converts the counts per minute from both total and nonspecific 3H-steroid binding activity into information needed for a Scatchard analysis. These data are plotted and a linear regression and determination coefficient for best fit of the data are performed. In the sucrose density gradient method program, the counts per minute from both total and nonspecific 3H-steroid binding activity is converted to disintegrations per minute and plotted versus the corresponding fraction number. The specific binding activity in femtomoles/milligram of protein in the various molecular forms can then be obtained through set programmed steps.

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