
Summary A study of a method for the determination of color of milk products has led to the following recommendations for improvement of the method: 1. Use of potassium dichromate instead of iodine in potassium iodide as a standard because of greater stability and because spectral characteristics in the wave length region used for photometric measurement are more like those of the colored compounds being determined. 2. Increasing the sensitivity of the method by shifting the region of photometric measurement toward shorter wave lengths where the compounds being determined absorb light more strongly. 3. Generalizing the procedure and applying a method of calculation which permits comparison of the color of different milk products on the basis of a protein content equal to the average value for protein content of milk. Data have been presented to show the effect of differences in characteristics of light filters upon the values obtained with different types of colorimeters as compared to spectrophotometric results. Color results obtained on samples of nonfat and whole milks and some dry milk products are shown, and the effect on color of current milk sterilization and drying techniques is indicated.

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