
Three generation of flowing liquid lithium (FLiLi) limiters have been developed and successfully tested in EAST since 2014. It was confirmed that liquid Li could be driven by an innovative in-vessel DC electromagnetic J × B pump to form a recirculating loop. The FLiLi design was continuously upgraded, resulting in improvement of the liquid Li surface coverage (>80%), elimination of surface erosion, and the increase of heat exhaust capability. Promising results are obtained during FLiLi operations, including a reduction of impurities and recycling to improve plasma confinement, and a mitigation of ELM activity in H-mode plasmas. The FLiLi limiter program has shown basic compatibility with H-mode discharges with auxiliary heating power up to 8.3 MW. These efforts will expand to flowing liquid Li PFC in high heat flux zones, e.g. near the divertor strike point in reactors.

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