
The potential of digital technologies in the system of professional development of music teachers using remote digital educational technologies is revealed. The tendencies of modern use of distance educational technologies, e-learning in solving the issues of preserving the traditions of folk instrumental culture have been demonstrated. Problematic issues of distance education organization have been identified. The resources of the information and educational environment in the system of professional development of music teachers are analyzed. A comprehensive analysis of the main functions of applying digital technologies involved in the preparation of a musician-performer has been identified and made: information, creative, methodological and educational. Specificity of digital educational resources in music-performing activity, in conducting and fixing of researches in the field of performing technique, organology, musical pedagogy, dissemination of pedagogical experience is shown. The competence orientations of performing activity, creative selfregulation are determined. The potential and tendencies of the use of remote forms of conducting scientific and methodological events, the use of electronic training tools, the organization of distance education of the performer on musical instruments are revealed. Keywords: Bulgarian Exarchate, Bulgarian Proto-State, Tarnovo Constitution, Constituent Assembly, Cultural Heritage

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